Holiday Weight Gain

12-12-2013-the-holiday-food-fightI recently gave a presentation at my company where we discussed the Holidays and how to get through them with out putting on the “Holiday Hundred!” OK, no one should put on a hundred pounds by the first of the year, but if you don’t show up with a plan it might just feel like it! For those of you who are saying “This is the year I get back in the gym!” my suggestion is not to wait! Join Now! If you start a basic routine today and go 3 days per week for the month of December, your chances of sticking to the New Year’s resolution will be much higher!


The Holidays can be a very challenging time for those of you who are on a meal plan. Especially for those of you who have had some success losing wait and are just trying not to completely blow it! Trust me, I get it, it isn’t easy for me either, but I have learned over the years how to avoid certain foods or certain situations that will crush my efforts of being the best version of self that I can be. It is amazing what a little planning can do. First lets think back. How successful are you at buying really healthy foods in the grocery store when you shop hungry? My guess is, not very. The same holds true for those big meals and of course desserts at Christmas and New Year’s. Rule number one, don’t show up ravenous to a meal that has every dessert that will derail the best meal plan and most disciplined person. Second, choose one of those family gatherings as your cheat meal for the week, and then when you go to the third set of in-laws, cousins or friends you just say “I can have some protein, but desserts and carbs I have to say no to.” The good news is they will have plenty of turkey and ham so they wont mind. Lastly it might be worth just setting a calorie goal that is double your norm and just eat till you hit it! I know this sounds counter intuitive but the average person eats quadruple their normal calorie intake on Christmas Eve! WOW! In the meantime remember this:

Top 5 unhealthiest Holiday foods

Cranberry Sauce – 105 grams of Sugar per serving!
Fruitcake- 410 calories per slice
Cheese Straws – 1/3 of your daily saturated fat
Eggnog – 343 calories per cup
Cheesecake – 707 calories per slice

Remember the instant gratification will be replaced with a feeling of guilt that sometimes just isn’t worth it. That being said, splurge a little and then hit the gym a bit and enjoy your family!

More importantly Christmas is a time when we remember that the grace of God allows us to have these wonderful gifts! We have arms, legs, a beautiful mind that we often take for granted. Thank Him and be grateful! Help others who are less fortunate and give until it hurts. If you do all of those things,you will be more fulfilled than you could ever achieve eating a Cranberry Sauce Cheesecake! But Cranberry sauces and Cheesecake does sound good, doesn’t it!

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