PES’s – Supplements

Dumbbells and supplements, Body buildingWhile proper nutrition can fuel the body for the majority of what we need, often times elite athletes become deficient in key vitamins, nutrients, electrolytes and amino acids. In fact, quite a bit of research has gone into the impact that nutrition has on our abilities to learn a specific skill.

If you happen to be deficient in one or more of these items, you could be impacting your training, and skills based practice in a negative way.

It is for this reason that ESP has begun to carry their own line of supplements that have been specifically chosen based on the impact that they have on the human body’s ability to turn sport specific training into sport specific talent. We call this rapid talent acquisition.  We have spent time evaluating the various products on the market and our approach while simplistic, is very specific.

All too often, athletes waste their money on supplements that are not beneficial to the specific workout. In bodybuilding, supplementing was over used by many athletes and oftentimes increased dosage left the body with no choice but to excrete it through the liver, kidneys and into the toilet.

Don’t Waste Money!

Use only the Pharmaceutical Grade!

At ESP we Body building, supplementsknow that supplementing is important, but you have to be specific in your approach. Are you being additive to your diet, are you replacing what your body is losing during the training effort? Both are important, but depending on the sport, the training and the body type; the timing in which we do this becomes extremely important.

Only certain supplements hit the ESP website, but if we are going to beat genetics, fueling the body with the proper supplement at the proper time is crucial. To get a full report on supplements specific to you, click on the Gold Level Membership to your right!