Other Services

Teach, Inspire, Motivate In Silver Grey GearsEnhanced Sports Performance is not just about the coaching. We are also about   Inspiration, Teaching and Motivating those around us. We are passionate about getting the “Beat Genetics!” message out and Don Monistere is available for speaking engagements across the country.

Don has spoken on numerous topics, and is known for his “How to have your best year ever!” speech that he has delivered in multiple venues. No venue is too small or too large. Everything from your church league volley ball team to a major collegiate sport

Don has been successful in opening the eyes of executives, coaches and athletes to the idea that traditional wisdom can sometimes miss the truly special individuals because it is often times based on the laws of averages. To schedule Don Monistere for a speaking engagement please fill out the Speaking Engagement Form here.


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The Performance Enhancing Videos has its own page and can be found under the “Other Services” menu.  The genesis of the PEV’s stems from a personal experienc that Coach Monistere had with his own play in High School . If you happen to live in the Southeast, you are in luck, we can help. If not, ESP urges you to take send as much video as you can once you join.