About ESP

Rear View Of Young Muscular ManWhy is the Enhanced Sports Performance Program better than any other program on the market today?

ESP is based on a process template that has been used, not just in professional sport, but also in the military and in many Fortune 500 companies.  While ESP’s process got its start as a focused approach in business, this process has become the gold standard by athletes looking to improve substantially in a short period of time. Oddly enough, this program works not just for the genetically gifted, but even more so for those who have not been granted the gift of “natural talent.”  It is for this reason that ESP’s motto of Beat Genetics! is more like a rallying cry than a marketing slogan.

The Processtotalcoach

The ESP Process focuses on YOU more than any other program you have used. If you were a sprinter, would you run 18 miles at a slow pace 3 times per week? Obviously not, but what if there were less obvious things that athletes were doing every day that was equally as counterproductive? We have precious little time to train, but you still want to maximize the benefits. Training optimization is what Enhanced Sports Performance is doing for its athletes every day.

The Influence

It wasn’t by accident that founder of ESP discovered the process of turning good athletes into great ones; it was an experience that he lived through personally – first with himself, and then through his kids. Coach Don Monistere spent much of his life competing in various sports: baseball, football, martial arts, body building, triathlons, and CrossFit. Despite experiencing success in each discipline, he was never the most physically gifted athlete. He didn’t decide to challenge head-on the traditional methods of sport preparation until his children, who obviously swam in the same gene pool as he did, started working to earn their spot on highly competitive sports teams. At this point, Don began applying his ESP Process of unconventional wisdom to his sons’ training on and off the field, and although it was yielding noticeable results, there just wasn’t enough research on the topic. So Don’s quest for the scientific data behind The Process began. And what he’s learning based on his research is nothing short of inspiring.

The Knowledge  Education concept: Head With Lightbulb and Knowledge Is power!

As a youth baseball coach, a martial arts instructor and a business process guru, Coach Monistere has spent the last 6 years researching genetics, talent, skills and training and how it impacts sports performance. Utilizing himself and then his sons as test subjects, he has found a proven method of changing the game. While the ESP Process can’t change your genetic makeup, it can change the way you approach resistance training, speed training, agility training, conditioning, and nutrition. This top-down approach will consider your Athletic Profile and will allow you to maximize the God-given gifts you already possess as an athlete. Coach Monistere has spent numerous years engaging in intense, disciplined regimens of resistance training, nutritional manipulation, and even experimentation in the areas of strength, muscular growth, and controlling the body’s metabolic process. This experimentation often created varying degrees of results, but ultimately the results were clear. The ESP Process works because it is addresses the uniqueness of the athlete. Doing it “the old fashioned way” simply won’t work for all athletes because it cannot acknowledge individual needs. If you are a 5’6″ high school athlete practicing the same drills the 6’5″ guys are doing, there’s a pretty good chance you’re not progressing at the rate you could with a more customized approach. So let’s stop wasting time and get started! Look to your right, click the Gold membership icon, and together we will Beat Genetics!