Ego, Success and Relationships

We are going to take a little detour from sport and fitness and talk about ego, success an
d relationships. We talk about being the best version of self and in order to do so we all know it requires confidence and a strong knowledge of “why,” but relationships?. Dr. Dan Siegel,a professor of psychiatry at UCLA school of Medicine proposed that the three items necessary for well-being are the brain, the mind and relationships.  He calls it the “Triangle of Well-Being.”
Dr. Siegel went on to say “Our minds are created within relationships – including the one that we have with ourselves… Each of us has a unique mind: unique thoughts, feelings, perceptions, memories, beliefs, and attitudes, and a unique set of regulatory patterns. These patterns shape the flow of energy and information inside us, and we share them with other minds.”
Well-being which is another word for fulfillment, something that I have written and given countless talks on only comes when we set our ego aside and allow relationships to flourish around us. We are pack animals, we like to build communities and live close to places where community exists and while someone must lead, leaders can’t do so only considering themselves.
Our ego would love for us to believe that success, fulfillment and nourishment to our core components, Mind, Body and Spirit comes only at our own hands, but this is not true at all. The mental clarity that we seek only comes when we have relationships that can help provide the back drop necessary to achieve such clarity of life and purpose (the why) which as we know can lead to fulfillment and truly is necessary for mental development. Studies show that solitude is one of the leading causes of suicide or other destructive behaviors that lead to self loathing. And yet, the ego can try to convince that we need no one.
Ego can in fact become a real obstacle to success and fulfillment. I, of course am not the first to suggest that ego is the impediment of a fulfilled successful life and I mention humility as being one of the most important areas of garnering alignment with the Holy Spirit, but how do you temper an ego that is partly responsible for the inner drive to succeed?  Quite simply, It is OK to have a degree of self preservation, This, as we know is the first law of nature, however; protection of self and worship of self is two very different things.  I am a confident guy with my eyes on executing at a high level and creating the best version of self, but the outcome of that endeavor is unrewarding if my wife Daphne and four kids Cari, Candace, Cooper and Cameron could not enjoy the fruits of that version of me. In other words, if I have to trade off my relationships to be the best version of self it isn’t worth it. The good news is that we find out that relationships are one of the drivers to succeed, not just a beneficiary of the outcome of success.
In the book “Ego is the enemy” by Ryan Holiday, Holiday cites multiple leaders that we would argue to be the best in their field and through that field impacted numerous people along the way. What was consistent with many of them is they had to fight their own ego to stay on track and recognize that others help you and for the most part are required to get to where you want to go.
It is without question that ego can help to drive you in the short term, but that ego can get out of hand and will need to be fed. In this case, the quest or journey of success becomes only about feeding the ego not what it should be about, which is using your gifts that were granted to you to serve and impact others. Relationships!
Relationships help you to carve out the “Why” behind it all and the real reasons we do what we do.  Our friends, our family, ourselves and Our God!  We choose to be successful to find fulfillment in our core and to share that with others. Through that sharing, we foster relationships that are lasting and allow even more success and more importantly allows us to leave a Legacy behind once we have moved on.


So relationships are more than just an outcome of life, they are essential at creating the life you have been looking for. Foster a deeper relationship with God first, then your family and what you will find is all of your relationships will improve and so too will the next version of self!



Yeah I know.  Nooo….. what? Nootropics are  a pretty hot topic these days and first lets start with answering what they are?  Nootropicsals also called smart drugs or cognitive enhancers.  The ones that I have dabbled with are mostly supplements, but I have to admit that I did try presciption strength Modafinil and let me tell you there was no doubt that it increased my cognitive functions,but it also sent my anxiety through the roof.  The benefit of clear and concise thinking was so intense though, that I will likely take it again if I have have to cram a ton of information in my head at one time, I will take it again and just deal with the anxiety.  There are other substances that improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation that can be used that are not necessarily over the counter drugs.Magnesium and L-Theanine, Lions Mane are all supplements that you will find that help aid cognitive functions.

I typically utilize Magnesium and L-Theanine together in the middle of the day when I need to slow my brain down and get hyper-focused on a task.

I have also used Ciltep CILTEP® is a natural nootropic featuring a patented formula for optimal mental performance. The marketing touts the following:

  • Increased motivation and mental endurance
  • Improved concentration and alertness
  • Improved mood and social ease
  • Increased ability to study

CILTEP® can be used every day.  I did stop taking it but only because I gave my bottle to my son since he is now a freshman in college and I wanted to see if he noticed a difference.  I would say that after a week, I didn’t notice a difference until I stopped taking it.

Now I am trying Four Sigmatic’s Coffee with Lion’s Mane and so far this has been awesome!  The only thing is get ready to sweat this did raise my body temperature for some reason.  Keep in mind though, my body temperature typically is a little high, not sure if it is other supplements that I take but anytime I drink a hot beverage i get REALLY hot so you may want to try this yourself.  I like this product and it blends coffee powder, lion’s mane extract, chaga extract, wild rhodiola. It tastes a little week as I like coffee with full flavor, I may put this coffee in my coffee but I want to do that with decaf and haven’t gone to buy any yet.

I have always tried to hack the body and the mind to get to a much higher level of execution and cognitive function, I have found these three to be the best so far and I would tell you that nootropics will be entering into the sports arena soon, especially sports where your head has to be on a swivel and decisions need to be made quickly.   If you are a weekend warrior like me and your livelihood doesn’t depend on it, you need to give this a try but as always consult your physician first!

Enhanced Life Performance

I wanted to make an announcement that soon the new website Enhanced Life Performance will be ready for viewing and Don’s book will be back from editors and soon will go to publishing.  The site and of course the book is focused on the process of how to have an extraordinary life, not just how to excel in sport or a focus on nutrition.  Hopefully if you have  learned anything from Don you do know that nutrition and wellness is a major part of executing at a high level and he goes into great detail in this regard in the book.  Once the site is ready for viewing we will definitely blog about it, but the few people that have had a sneak peak at the book are already talking about the impact that the content can have on people of all walks and stages of their life.

It is a great calling to write a book specifically for your family, which is what Don endeavored to do, but it is quite another to write a book that speaks to not just your immediate family, but to people across the world that need help to align themselves with what they were meant to do and be. So many people have gotten off the path and turned to vices that are not in keeping with the health and wellness of their being.

Graduating college and high school seniors should at a minimum read this book and possibly go through the program to get their life started on the proper path.  Also anyone that is challenged with addiction and is going through the 12 step program could really gain from the process of aligning themselves with exactly what the Holy Spirit always wanted for them in the first place.  The 12 step program depends on a higher power and inviting that higher power to help you map out your life is essential to beating the odds and beating addiction.

Please take the time to respond and if you haven’t already Pre-Order Don’s book for $9.00, which is half price offer and has other benefits as well.

Click Here to Pre-Order

Enhanced Life Performance

13355455_1186705984702518_498035904_n1I have worked with numerous athletes, on focusing their abilities and God given talents in a direction that gives them better than average results.  No doubt, it takes a very detailed plan to make that happen.  Ask any of the athletes I train, they typically are amazed at the detail of the training sessions and the practices if they happen to be on one of my teams. My life, is no different.  My life is planned in the same detailed fashion and I do not allow the desire to just drift through life to happen. In the book “Living Forward” by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy they speaks of this drift and how so many people have no clue what they are truly trying to accomplish in life. One day one of my colleagues noticed my daily worksheet that I use as I tackle the day and he asked me where I had gotten the template.  I told him that I had created it over many years and this rather benign sheet of paper was what allowed me to execute at such a high level. He asked me for a copy and I obliged, but in order for the template to work you have to go through some pretty extensive life planning. It takes more than a “to do” list to execute at a very high level and it takes more than just some earthly desire to be wealthy or famous to get you in an area of life that is complete with fulfillment and satisfaction.  Once I discussed this with him, he asked if I would write down the process that I go through to plan my life. I was rather reluctant to do so because I knew it would be a huge undertaking.

Fast forward a two years later and I am nearing the completion of my second book Enhanced Life Performance (my first book was a martial arts instruction book) Enhanced Life Performance not only goes through the process of how to plan for life, it explains the state of mind and level of consciousness that you must obtain in order to do this effectively.  Don’t get me wrong, anyone can create a 10 year, 5 year and 1 year plan, but is it in alignment with what you were truly meant to accomplish? Did you tap into your spiritual self to find the true “why” behind your existence here on earth.  Most people do not and I will tell you that people of the church are not the only one’s who receive callings by God.  We are typically just too “busy” drifting through life trying to make ends meet instead of hearing the calling that sometimes is not as subtle as we might think.

It is may assertion that we are all trying to leave a legacy before we leave this earth.  I too, wish to do this.  If but only for my friends and family leaving a legacy for them would be enough. In fact, I chose to write my book just to give them what I would say is the true secret to life. The picture above was taken in 2016 and one of favorite days.  I had my boys and one of my 2 girls training with me one weekend! What a fulfilling day, complete with opportunities to further their education on fitness. Truth be told, they are starting to show me a thing or two these days. So days like this may not seem like the “Legacy” that people may speak of, but it is a start. Don’t get me wrong I want the stories of Pops (what my family calls me) to be so grandiose that they are told by camp fires and family get-togethers long after I am gone. I utilize a concept called the Legacy Impression that helps an individual begin the process of leaving behind his or her Legacy today! To hear more about this you will have to stay tuned or……..

If you are interested in life planning we, ESP and now Enhanced Life Performance are working on a date for a 2 day seminar in February that goes over the process that will help you place yourself in a position to create the best version of self.  Imagine if you were working to accomplish exactly what your purpose was on earth! We are also working on our new facet of our business that focuses on life coaching and we will soon have a sneak peek of that at to do the same thing for Life coaching that we accomplished with Enhanced Sports for sports.

Keep reading and following our Blog and if you want to sign up for the newsletter please go to our Newsletter page here to sign up NEWSLETTER

Holiday Weight Gain

12-12-2013-the-holiday-food-fightI recently gave a presentation at my company where we discussed the Holidays and how to get through them with out putting on the “Holiday Hundred!” OK, no one should put on a hundred pounds by the first of the year, but if you don’t show up with a plan it might just feel like it! For those of you who are saying “This is the year I get back in the gym!” my suggestion is not to wait! Join Now! If you start a basic routine today and go 3 days per week for the month of December, your chances of sticking to the New Year’s resolution will be much higher!


The Holidays can be a very challenging time for those of you who are on a meal plan. Especially for those of you who have had some success losing wait and are just trying not to completely blow it! Trust me, I get it, it isn’t easy for me either, but I have learned over the years how to avoid certain foods or certain situations that will crush my efforts of being the best version of self that I can be. It is amazing what a little planning can do. First lets think back. How successful are you at buying really healthy foods in the grocery store when you shop hungry? My guess is, not very. The same holds true for those big meals and of course desserts at Christmas and New Year’s. Rule number one, don’t show up ravenous to a meal that has every dessert that will derail the best meal plan and most disciplined person. Second, choose one of those family gatherings as your cheat meal for the week, and then when you go to the third set of in-laws, cousins or friends you just say “I can have some protein, but desserts and carbs I have to say no to.” The good news is they will have plenty of turkey and ham so they wont mind. Lastly it might be worth just setting a calorie goal that is double your norm and just eat till you hit it! I know this sounds counter intuitive but the average person eats quadruple their normal calorie intake on Christmas Eve! WOW! In the meantime remember this:

Top 5 unhealthiest Holiday foods

Cranberry Sauce – 105 grams of Sugar per serving!
Fruitcake- 410 calories per slice
Cheese Straws – 1/3 of your daily saturated fat
Eggnog – 343 calories per cup
Cheesecake – 707 calories per slice

Remember the instant gratification will be replaced with a feeling of guilt that sometimes just isn’t worth it. That being said, splurge a little and then hit the gym a bit and enjoy your family!

More importantly Christmas is a time when we remember that the grace of God allows us to have these wonderful gifts! We have arms, legs, a beautiful mind that we often take for granted. Thank Him and be grateful! Help others who are less fortunate and give until it hurts. If you do all of those things,you will be more fulfilled than you could ever achieve eating a Cranberry Sauce Cheesecake! But Cranberry sauces and Cheesecake does sound good, doesn’t it!

If you are not signed up for my newsletter send me an email at

Nutrition Labels

nutritional_label-1So Don, you keep telling us that if we want to perform beyond what we thought possible, I really need to measure my food (at least until you know how much food you are really eating) and read the labels.  OK I’m in, but what am I looking for.  It really is amazing how much you can learn about a food, just by reading the label and I don’t mean the one on the front.  Words like “organic, all natural, real juice, and low fat” can all be very misleading.  Just to be clear marijuana is all natural and organic, but it is not in my meal plan! ……. I digress.
None the less we can learn a great deal about our food if we just focus on two really important items on the nutrition facts label.  The first is serving size.  The label above says that the serving size is 1/2 of a cup and the container has about 4 cups of this food.  I will wait until the end of the article to tell you what the food is.  The typical western diet would actually consume at least 1 to 1.5 cups and that obviously sends the caloric content of this food through the roof.
The next most important thing is the carbohydrates and how much of those carbohydrates are sugar.  In this case, it is, well lets see, ALL OF THEM! OMG! This food is a very popular breakfast cereal among kids!  That’s right 27 grams of sugar for breakfast, Heck, just give them a bucket of sugar and a salt lick and send them off to school. People, we are killing or kids by overloading them with sugary carbohydrates and then we get mad at them for falling asleep in class.  They aren’t asleep. They are in a sugar comma!
So be careful of portion size and if the carbohydrates in the food comprises more than half of it from sugar, it likely isn’t a good choice.

Increased Focus at Work!

There are many reasoman-runningns why we lose focus at work, but all too often the issues that are impacting our focus is as much to do with our eating habits as it is our surroundings. The one issue that high carbohydrate diets can create is  early afternoon brain fog which is created when you suffer from low blood sugar or higher than normal levels of cortisol and insulin.

Start first with reducing the amount of high glycemic carbohydrates from your lunch and replacing it with moderate levels of protein and slower burning carbohydrates like, vegetables, or healthy fats such as nuts or avocados. MCT oil is also a great way to add some healthy fats to your diet. Dave Asperey author of “Bullet Proof Diet” suggests that their brand of MCT oil is “brain octane” and having used it for over two years it has been a perfect afternoon pick me up that allows me to remain focused and alert in the afternoons.

Another way to increase cognitive function is by supplementing L-Theanine, a naturally occurring amino acid that works extremely well when added to roughly 200mg of caffeine (been wondering what was in my afternoon coffee?) This combination of L-Theanine and Caffeine is noted to be synergistic in promoting cognition , attention and focus. If you are carrying out a task that requires memory, cognition and a heightened focus, a great way to begin would be with a beverage of the following:

100-200 mg of L-Theanine, 1 TBS of MCT oil, 1 tbs grass fed butter, 1 cup of bullet proof coffee. Whip vigorously and you will find that your focus and recall will be better than ever before.


Carbohydrates and Fat Management.

Carbohydrates – In the body, a carbohydrate is metabolized mainly into glucose that can be used as an immediate source of energy. Any extra is converted into glycogen, which gets stored in two places, the liver and the muscle.

Nutrition Facts Control

Any glycogen that is unused by the body will be transformed into a fatty acids, which can later be stored as body fat.  For elite athletes this rarely happens due to the dietary needs that accompany the intense training that elite athletes go through.  With all the talk about carbohydrates making us fat, we have lost sight that this only occurs if we don’t use the carbohydrates that we eat for fuel. DNA moleculeCarbohydrates are an essential part of our diet, but what type and when you eat them is pretty important to athletes, especially those who are putting serious demands on their bodies. Carbohydrates, in the form of bread, rice, cereal, pasta, and other grains, could be a part of your daily food consumption, but carbohydrates found in other foods, including vegetables, legumes, nuts, & soy should be the carbohydrates that are first on your list. Low carbohydrate diets are becoming popular even among elite athletes, but like any good thing, some people without good dietary information tend to choose plans that make them “look” good as opposed to perform at a high level. The latest diet craze is Keto dieting where almost all carbohydrate sources are eliminated from the diet, forcing the body to utilize ketones as the main energy source. Does this work? Well studies show that it does and typically we have an unlimited store of fat for energy because the body will convert all excess calories over our TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) as fat.

Keep in mind that glycogen stored in the liver provides energy for vital functions like brain, red blood cells, and kidney cells.  The glycogen stores that are in the muscles cannot be used for those vital functions.  The brain prefers to burn fat as energy and often does, especially when we are in a fasted state. So while some sport performance could suffer from low carbohydrate diets that place you in glycogen debt, other strength related sports have shown improvement when limiting the number of carbohydrates you consume. That doesn’t mean we need to remove them altogether, nor does it mean we need to go back to the days of unbridled carbohydrate loading.  Spikes in blood sugar will drastically reduce your ability to concentrate, but so will low blood sugar levels. In response to a spike in glucose, your pancreas pumps out insulin to transport it to cells throughout your body. This process causes your blood sugar and insulin levels to move up and down rapidly, often times leaving you feeling fatigued and hungry.

So, what do we do?

The answer is not as simple as you might think. The amount and type of carbohydrates is specific to every athlete and is dependent on the type of training that is being executed.  This is why Enhanced Sports Performance created the Enhanced Performance Process to begin with.  What works for one athlete may not for another.

What we are ultimately trying to accomplish is to store just enough glycogen to support vital functions as well as fuel your training, but not an ounce more than that.  This, to a certain degree is trial and error and will take time to develop the best mix of complex, and simple carbohydrates within your nutrition plan.

Weight Loss or more appropriately put “fat loss” has to be addressed separately than fueling enhanced performance.  Don’t get me wrong, one can lead to the other, but it is better to remove unwanted fat that hinders enhanced performance before you begin elite training.  Common sense and a closely kept food diary goes a long way, but in order to jump higher than you ever have, run faster than you ever have and acquire sports related skills rapidly, your body has to be working at an optimal level. To do that, the type and amount of carbohydrates that you consume must be precise.

If you can’t engage an ESP expert coach or a dietary consultant, here is a good rule of thumb: if you are trying to reduce your fat stores, and you are actively training, consume 10% of your daily calories as carbohydrates. If you are looking to maintain your weight, you should be at 30%. If you are an athlete that endurance trains, you need to increase to roughly 40% of your calorie intake as carbohydrates, but they MUST be slow burning.  Note: this is NOT scientifically precise, and you need to consider many other things before making this your nutrition plan.

Sport is Life!

Baseball Player Taking A Swing With Cloud BackgroundIn many ways, sport IS life!  A healthy perspective on sport, however, is just as important.  If all I have “coached” is how to run faster, jump higher, kick harder, or properly field a ground ball, then I am a failure as a coach.

Dads, moms, and just plain ordinary people do heroic things every day, and no one has a parade or writes an article in a popular magazine. To a certain degree, that is something as a society we should be ashamed of.

From a very young age, I have felt that God Himself has been preparing me to be great.  It is my testimony that many times I have failed to live up to God’s expectations, but he has often “coached me up.”  Somehow I feel like this is God’s plan – that the feeling of preparation wasn’t just a feeling; it was a fact. And it wasn’t so much how I would react to the successes of life, but more frequently how I dealt with the failures.  In fact, the closest I have ever been to God were the days that I failed as an athlete, as a person, as a father or a husband.

See, God knows we need him; we’re the ones that lose sight of that, HE does not.  Keep in mind that He desires us to know Him. Case in point: it seems as though the “coaching up” that I have often felt was more intense the more I thought I had control over the outcome, rather than Him. Again, don’t misunderstand me — it wasn’t like He was punishing me; it was always more like He was coaching me through my challenges.

I think God “coaches us up” just as we need: “So you can’t catch grounders? Well then, I’m gonna hit you grounders all day long!”  I believe, at least for me, that this is one of God’s promises to us!  He will prepare you for the awesome gift of free will.  He will take your biggest fear and confront you with it to make you better, so when the time comes we can either call on that ability to make the right choices, or live with the ramifications of the wrong ones.  Perfection is not the goal.  We cannot be perfect in this life. Losing sight of the fact that the only thing we have control over is the decision or the preparation (and not the outcome of the game) is hugely problematic, and many times this notion is in direct conflict with what most coaches assume as their role.

“I will stand before God knowing I have done all I can.”

Getting my athletes to have this mentality is the only job I have!  Every other attribute as a coach is window dressing. You are in charge of the process to succeed!  Being successful is God’s gift to those who prepare to be successful!  If we can stand before him on judgment day and utter those words about sport, about love, about life, then we will be the perfect athlete, the perfect student, the perfect friend, the perfect father.  With this in mind, I say with great passion:

“Coach me up, God!  I’m listening!”  


Executives On The Run


For most people, it is difficult to find five minutes to let your mind wander, much less shoehorn a workout into today’s busy schedule.  So how do other people do it?  You know the ones . . . the people you hear in the office talking about their gym workout or the 5K that they will run this weekend.  How do they find the time to exercise?  Is this just the domain of the unmarried, no children demographic?  Here are some tips as to how a busy person who is juggling kids, career, and household responsibilities can fit in a 30 minute workout.

Twenty is the Key – Although estimates vary, exercising for at least 20 minutes a day at an elevated heart rate for three to five times a week is enough for your body to reach a “training effect.”  This is the point at which you will see an increase in your fitness level as your body adapts to the exercise that you’ve introduced into your schedule.  Less than 20 minutes a day or less than three times and week, and you will not move the needle on your current fitness level.  Although 20 minutes is great, an even 30 minutes is manageable for your workout routine.

Schedule it – Just as you plan your day, schedule meetings, and block your calendar for working on that project deadline, you should schedule your workout.  Whether it’s in Outlook or penciled in on your desk calendar, make sure that you know when you plan to exercise each day.

For many people, getting it done first thing in the morning is the easiest way to maintain your workout schedule.  Yes, you may have to sacrifice 30 minutes of sleep, but as your fitness level increases, you won’t even miss those 30 winks.  If your spouse or significant other is also pursuing a workout routine, then you should sync your schedules so that each person has an opportunity to exercise in the morning.

The lunch hour is typically scheduled into our day.  If possible, you can slip a workout into the first half of your lunch.  But what if your place of work doesn’t have showers?  George Shehan, a runner and esteemed author of almost a dozen running books and thousands of magazine articles once said, “An honest sweat has no odor.”  Ok, but those of us who do have an odor, a sponge and stick of deodorant in your backpack can do the trick.

Plan the workout – Now that you have your schedule worked out, you have to have a specific workout planned.  Will you run for 30 minutes and pump iron?  You can cycle, swim, stretch, walk, or all of the above.  Just have a plan for which exercises you will do and the specific days on which you will do it.

Build Up – If you are a newly converted couch potato, then you need to start slow and build your workout up over time.  If your goal is to complete a 5K and you’ve never run a mile, then start by walking.  As you gain strength and stamina, begin to alternate some minutes of running into your routine.  You can continue this pattern until you’ve covered 5 kilometers.  At this point, you can begin to walk less and jog more until you can run the entire distance.

Add Variety – If you become bored with one activity, then mix it up!  Sunday could be your day to run and Monday your day to lift weights.  After a day off, Wednesday is yoga and Thursday is your second running day.  Who doesn’t want Friday off?  But you should plan to ride your bike on Saturday.  Each of these exercises will help you increase your fitness and, at the same time, let you sample different exercises.

Friendly Competition – How many times have you heard that if you want to stick to a workout routine, do it with a friend?  Use peer pressure to help you get out of the bed and into the gym or on the road.  Again, don’t limit yourself to this one way of creating the motivation that you need. Go social — as in social media.  There is an industry of electronic gadgets that help us track our performance and compare how we’ve done to others in our “community.”  When uploading a workout from a Nike GPS sports watch, you can compare your week of running to the other people your gender and age as well as the overall Nike community.  Just because I live in Texas doesn’t mean that I can’t have a little friendly competition with a co-worker in Florida using our Jawbone Up bands.  As you can imagine, all of these devices allow you to post to Facebook or Tweet your workout.

So there you have it: six simple tips to help you get your fitness routine kicked off.  Of all these tips, the scheduling and the planning are the most important.  They lay the foundation on which the others are built.  Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.”  But then again, ole Ben looks like he can use 20 on the treadmill.


* Please see Disclaimer of Physical Activity